Natural language processing (NLP) is a field at the intersection of linguistics and computer science concerned with developing techniques to process and analyze natural language data. The purpose of these techniques is to achieve human-like language processing for a range of tasks or applications.

Although it has gained enormous interest in recent years, research in NLP has been going on for several decades dating back to the late 1940s. This review divides its history into two main periods: NLP before and during the deep learning era.

NLP before the deep learning era

1950 - 1960. It is generally agreed that Weaver’s memorandum 1 brought the idea of the first computer-based application related to natural language: machine translation. It subsequently inspired many projects, notably the Georgetown experiment,2 a joint project between IBM and Georgetown University that successfully demonstrated the machine translation of more than 60 Russian sentences into English. The researchers accomplished this feat using hand-coded language rules, but the system failed to scale up to general translation. Early work in machine translation was simple: most systems used dictionary-lookup of appropriate words for translation and reordered the words after translation to fit the target language’s word-order rules. This produced poor results, as the lexical ambiguity inherent in natural language was not considered. The researchers then progressively realized that the task was a lot harder than anticipated, and they needed an adequate theory of language. It took until 1957 to introduce the idea of generative grammar,3 a rule-based system of syntactic structures that brought insight into how mainstream linguistics could help machine translation.

1960 - 1970. Due to the development of parsing algorithms and the syntactic theory of language, the 1950s were flooded with over-enthusiasm. People believed that fully automatic high-quality translation systems would produce results indistinguishable from those of human translators and that such systems would be in operation within a few years. Given the then-available linguistic knowledge and computer systems, this thought was completely unrealistic. After years of research and millions of dollars spent, machine translations were still more expensive than manual human translations, and there were no computers that came anywhere near being able to carry on a basic conversation. In 1966, the ALPAC released a report 4 that concluded that MT was not immediately achievable and recommended the research community to stop funding it. This had the effect of substantially slowing down machine translation research and most work in other NLP applications.

Despite this significant slowdown, some exciting developments were born during the years following the ALPAC report, both in theoretical issues and in constructing prototype systems. Theoretical work in the late 1960s and early 1970s mainly focused on how to represent meaning. Researchers developed new grammar theories that were computationally tractable for the first time, particularly after introducing transformational generative grammars,5 which were criticized for being too syntactically oriented and not lending themselves easily to computational implementation. As a result, many new theories appeared to explain syntactic anomalies and provide semantic representations, such as case grammar,6 semantic networks,7 augmented transition networks,8 and conceptual dependency theory.9 Alongside theoretical development, this period also saw the birth of many exciting prototype systems. ELIZA 10 was built to replicate the conversation between a psychologist and a patient by merely permuting or echoing the user input. SHRDLU 11 was a simulated robot that used natural language to query and manipulate objects inside a very simple virtual micro-world consisting of some color blocks and pyramids. LUNAR 12 was developed as an interface system to a database containing information about lunar rock samples using augmented transition networks. Lastly, PARRY 13 attempted to simulate a person with paranoid schizophrenia based on concepts, conceptualizations, and beliefs.

1970 - 1980. The 1970s brought new ideas into NLP, such as building conceptual ontologies which structured real-world information into computer-understandable data. Examples are MARGIE,14 TaleSpin,15 QUALM,16 SAM,17 PAM 18 and Politics.19

1980 - 1990. In the 1980s, many significant problems in NLP were addressed using symbolic approaches,20 21 22 23 24 i.e., complex hard-coded rules and grammars to parse language. Practically, the text was segmented into meaningless tokens (words and punctuation). Representations were then manually created by assigning meanings to these tokens and their mutual relationships through well-understood knowledge representation schemes and associated algorithms. Those representations were eventually used to perform deep analysis of linguistic phenomena.

1990 - 2000. Statistical models 25 26 27 28 came as a revolution in NLP in the late 1980s and early 1990s, replacing most natural language processing systems based on complex sets of hand-written rules. This progress resulted from both the steady increase of computational power and the shift to machine learning algorithms. While some of the earliest-used machine learning algorithms, such as decision trees,29 30 produced systems similar in performance to the old school hand-written rules, statistical models broke through the complexity barrier of hand-coded rules by creating them through automatic learning, which led researchers to focus on these models increasingly. At the time, these statistical models were capable of making soft, probabilistic decisions.

NLP during the deep learning era

From the 2000s, neural networks begin to be used for language modeling, aiming to predict the next term in a text given the previous words.

2003. Bengio and others proposed the first neural language model 31 that consists of a one-hidden layer feed-forward neural network. They also introduced what is now referred to as word embedding, a real-valued word feature vector in \(R^d\). More precisely, their model took input vector representations of the \(n\) previous words, which were looked up in a table learned together with the model. The vectors were fed into a hidden layer, whose output was then provided to a softmax layer that predicted the next word of the sequence. Although classic feed-forward neural networks have been progressively replaced with recurrent neural networks 32(RNNs) for language modeling,33 they remain in some settings competitive with recurrent architectures, the latter being impacted by “catastrophic forgetting”.34 Furthermore, the general building blocks of Bengio’s network are still found in most neural language and word embedding models nowadays.

2008. Collobert and Weston applied multi-task learning,35 a sub-field of machine learning in which multiple learning tasks are solved simultaneously to neural networks for NLP. They used a single convolutional neural network 36(CNN) that, given a sentence, could output many language processing predictions such as part-of-speech tags, named entity tags, and semantic roles. The entire network was trained jointly on all the tasks using weight-sharing of the look-up tables, which enabled the different models to collaborate and share general low-level information in the word embedding matrix. As models are increasingly evaluated on multiple tasks to gauge their generalization ability, multi-task learning has gained importance and is now used across a wide range of NLP tasks. Also, their paper turned out to be a discovery that went beyond multi-task learning. It spearheaded ideas such as pre-training word embeddings and using CNNs for texts that have only been widely adopted in the last years.

2013. Mikolov and others introduced arguably the most popular word embedding model: Word2Vec.37 38 Although dense vector representations of words have been used as early as 2003, the main innovation proposed in their paper was an efficient improvement of the training procedure by removing the hidden layer and approximating the loss function. Together with the efficient model implementation, these simple changes enabled large-scale training of word embeddings on vast corpora of unstructured text. Later that year, they improved the Word2Vec model by employing additional strategies to enhance training speed and accuracy. While these embeddings are not conceptually different from those learned with a feed-forward neural network, training on a vast corpus enables them to capture some relationships between words such as gender, verb tense, and country-capital relations, which initiated much interest in word embeddings as well as in the origin of these linear relationships.39 40 41 42 However, what made word embeddings a mainstay in current NLP was the evidence that using pre-trained embeddings as initialization improved performance across a wide range of downstream tasks. Despite many more recent developments, Word2Vec is still a popular choice and widely used today.

The year 2013 also marked the adoption of neural network models in NLP, in particular three well-defined types of neural networks: recurrent neural networks 32(RNNs), convolutional neural networks 36(CNNs), and recursive neural networks.43 Because of their architecture, RNNs became famous for dealing with the dynamic input sequences ubiquitous in NLP. However, Vanilla RNNs were quickly replaced with the classic long-short term memory networks 44(LSTMs), as they proved to be more resilient to the vanishing and exploding gradient problem. Simultaneously, convolutional neural networks, which were then beginning to be widely adopted by the computer vision community, started to apply to natural language.45 46 The advantage of using CNNs for dealing with text sequences is that they are more parallelizable than RNNs, as the state at every time step only depends on the local context (via the convolution operation) rather than all past states as in the RNNs. Finally, recursive neural networks were inspired by the principle that human language is inherently hierarchical: words are composed into higher-order sentences, which can themselves be recursively combined according to a set of production rules. Based on this linguistic perspective, recursive neural networks treated sentences as trees rather than as sequences. Some research also extended RNNs and LSTMs to work with hierarchical structures.47

2014. Sutskever and others proposed sequence-to-sequence learning,48 an end-to-end approach for mapping one sequence to another using a neural network. In their method, an encoder neural network processes a sentence term by term and compresses it into a fixed-size vector. Then, a decoder neural network predicts the output sequence symbol by symbol based on the encoder state and the previously predicted symbols taken as input at every step. Encoders and decoders for sequences are typically based on RNNs, but other architectures have also emerged. Recent models include deep-LSTMs,49 convolutional encoders,50 51 the Transformer,52 and a combination of an LSTM and a Transformer.53 Machine translation turned out to be the perfect application for sequence-to-sequence learning. The progress was so significant that Google announced in 2016 that it was officially replacing its monolithic phrase-based machine translation models in Google Translate with a neural sequence-to-sequence model.

2015. Bahdanau and others introduced the principle of attention,54 one of the core innovations in neural machine translation (NMT) that enabled NMT models to outperform classic sentence-based MT systems. It alleviates the main bottleneck of sequence-to-sequence learning, which is its requirement to compress the entire content of the source sequence into a vector representation. Indeed, attention allows the decoder to look back at the source sequence hidden states, which are then combined through a weighted average and provided as an additional input to the decoder. Attention is potentially useful for any task that requires making decisions based on certain parts of the input. For now, it has been applied to constituency parsing,55 reading comprehension,56, and one-shot learning.57 More recently, a new form of attention has appeared, called self-attention, being at the core of the Transformer architecture. In short, it is used to look at the surrounding words in a sentence or paragraph to obtain more contextually sensitive word representations.

2018. The latest major innovation in the world of NLP is undoubtedly large pre-trained language models. While first proposed in 2015,58 only recently were they shown to give a considerable improvement over the state-of-the-art methods across a diverse range of tasks. Pre-trained language model embeddings can be used as features in a target model,59 or a pre-trained language model can be fine-tuned on target task data,60 61 62 63 which have shown to enable efficient learning with significantly fewer data. The main advantage of these pre-trained language models comes from their ability to learn word representations from large unannotated text corpora, which is particularly beneficial for low-resource languages where labeled data is scarce.


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